First trip to the dentist

This morning Kelly went to the dentist! She’s been to our regular grown up dentist once, just to count teeth and touch the tools, but this time we went to a pediatric dentist for the REAL DEAL.
Because there is no way I could do this on my own while pregnant and icky, I timed it when Grandma and Grandpa were here. It was nice to have a second set of hands for passing out lovies and a second set of lungs for singing during the scary parts.
We read some library books in advance, so Kelly was SUPER excited to go see the dentist and use the “mirror spoon”. She was unfazed by the masks and gloves, thanks to the books. Thanks, Seattle Public Library (Greenwood branch)!
She was nervous about the teeth cleaning (the loud spinning brush), but I held her in my lap and Grandma and I (and even the hygienist!) sang songs. She was very proud of herself when we finished and liked the squirt of water after. I was impressed that they managed a teeth cleaning, general exam, flossing, and fluoride treatment! I internally giggled at the thought of flossing Kelly’s teeth (no sweat with the new baby coming! riiiight), but we’ll do our best. Kelly is still excited about having had her teeth “painted” with fluoride. I expect we’ll hear about it for days!


All done! On our way out, she had to take several trips through the “Kelly size” door. She told me I couldn’t go through it because I was “too big”. Girl, you have NO IDEA.IMG_0496


About samuelfamily

We are 30-somethings who are completely enamored with our miniature dachshund Goobers, team member Kelly Sue, who joined us in December 2011, and our newest team member, Norah Jo, who joined us in October 2014. We moved from Seattle to Bellingham in 2016, and spend our time traveling locally and globally, and tackling parenting together. We decided we were worthy of a blog after getting married in 2006 and taking a 5 week trip to Europe in 2007. While our day-to-day life isn't always that dramatic or adventurous, we manage to amuse ourselves. Enjoy. Or not. Whatever.
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