We’ve got connections, yo

Back before lay offs and pregnancy puking, Andy and I like, traveled and stuff. And on one of those travels, I picked up some tea from Harrod’s because it’s TEA. From HARROD’S. Andy fell in love with one kind in particular (Blend 49) and has been drinking it religiously at his new job for an afternoon pick me up. (How cute is it that he has tea time at work??!!) He eventually ran out, of course, and during my online perusals to try and order him some more (including seeing if I could ship it from Canada), I discovered that this particular blend is only sold AT Harrod’s and not even on their online store. As in, one must purchase it at the tea counter in Harrod’s. Yeesh. Fancy Pants.

So then I began asking on FB if anyone was going to be passing through London in the next year. Andy’s lovely step sister Lisa lives in Northern Ireland (we visited her and her family when we were in there in 2008) and said she would look into it. She managed to find a coworker whose son was coming up from London and he stopped by and picked up tea for us! How sweet! I love the long process it took for us to get it: son at Harrod’s, son to mom, mom to Lisa, Lisa mailed it to us.

(I included the stamp in the picture because it says Royal Mail, which makes me ridiculously happy)

So now Andy has a stock pile for awhile (I picked up empty tea bags at the grocery store since the tea is loose leaf and while I have several tea infusers, Andy drew the line at using a tea infuser at work in front of all of the “guys”). But let us know if any of you are going to be in London! 🙂

P.S. We are returning the favor by sending Lia’s daughter Niamh a Seattle Mariner’s Tshirt.

About samuelfamily

We are 30-somethings who are completely enamored with our miniature dachshund Goobers, team member Kelly Sue, who joined us in December 2011, and our newest team member, Norah Jo, who joined us in October 2014. We moved from Seattle to Bellingham in 2016, and spend our time traveling locally and globally, and tackling parenting together. We decided we were worthy of a blog after getting married in 2006 and taking a 5 week trip to Europe in 2007. While our day-to-day life isn't always that dramatic or adventurous, we manage to amuse ourselves. Enjoy. Or not. Whatever.
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1 Response to We’ve got connections, yo

  1. I love how certain tastes bring back a place & time. kudos for finding it!

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